Friday, 30 December 2011

Magento – Modifying the Default Message Alert Box to look like a Popup Dialog

Demo of Magento’s Default Messages Box

For those who wanna see how the default notification box looks like in Magento, follow these instructions:
  1. Go to
  2. Fill up some bogus text into the Email Address and Password field under the Registered Customers box (e.g., 123456)
  3. Click the Login button at the bottom right.
  4. When the page has reloaded, you will notice a red box at the top with the error message Invalid login or password.
This, is the default messages box I’m talking about. I will now explain how to easily improve the way it looks and works.

Edit Your Theme’s Stylesheet

  1. Navigate to your theme’s main stylesheet – /www/skin/frontend/default/your-theme/css/styles.css
  2. Add these codes at the bottom of the stylesheet: 
#messages {
    margin: 100px 0 0 280px;
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    width: 360px;
    z-index: 99;
.msgclose {
    color: #DF280A;
    float: right;
    font-family: Comic Sans MS;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 0 8px;
    text-decoration: none;
Now look for the .error-msg, .success-msg, .note-msg, .notice-msg CSS selector and add this property to it:  

padding: 40px;

Edit Messages.php

  1. Locate the Messages.php file here /www/cuppakiddo/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Messages.php
  2. Look for this line (use Ctrl+f in Dreamweaver): 
$html .= '<' . $this->_messagesSecondLevelTagName . ' class="' . $type . '-msg">';
And add this code above it:
$html .= '<a class="msgclose" href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('messages')
What this piece of code does is simply display a close button (an ‘x’) and assign an onclick action to it that will close the notification box.
Now look for:
$html .= '<' . $this->_messagesFirstLevelTagName . ' class="messages">';
And replace it with:
$html .= '<' . $this->_messagesFirstLevelTagName . ' id="messages">';