Card Type |
Card Number |
Number Characters |
Master Card |
5105105105105100 | (16) Characters |
Master Card |
5555555555554444 | (16) Characters |
Master Card |
4222222222222 | (13) Characters |
VISA | 4111111111111111 | (16) Characters |
VISA | 4012888888881881 | (16) Characters |
American Express |
378282246310005 | (15) Characters |
American Express |
371449635398431 | (15) Characters |
Amex Corporate |
378734493671000 | (15) Characters |
Dinners Club |
38520000023237 | (14) Characters |
Dinners Club |
30569309025904 | (14) Characters |
Discover | 6011111111111117 | (16) Characters |
Discover | 6011000990139424 | (16) Characters |
JCB | 3530111333300000 | (16) Characters |
JCB | 3566002020360505 | (16) Characters |
Test Credit Card Numbers: |
Visa: | 4111-1111-1111-1111 |
MasterCard: | 5431-1111-1111-1111 |
Amex: | 341-1111-1111-1111 |
Discover: | 6011-6011-6011-6611 |
Credit Card Prefix Numbers (security code) : | |
Visa: | 13 or 16 numbers starting with 4 |
MasterCard: | 16 numbers starting with 5 |
Discover: | 16 numbers starting with 6011 |
Test Number | Test Name | Credit Card Numbers | Additional Instructions |
1 | AVS Full Match | AMEX: 342955624318368 Discover: 6011624665174125 MasterCard: 5120939736834980 Visa: 4116509050569147 |
Enter AVS+FULL as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. |
2 | AVS Partial Match - Postal Code only | AMEX: 344058488426266 Discover: 6011976857117225 MasterCard: 5123695007103193 Visa: 4116480559370132 |
Enter AVS+POSTAL as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. |
3 | AVS Partial Match - Address only | AMEX: 345672983453416 Discover: 6011750048255222 MasterCard: 5122415444933925 Visa: 4119692004990226 |
Enter AVS+ADDR as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. |
4 | AVS No Match | AMEX: 342135898797783 Discover: 6011587918359498 MasterCard: 5106447623213738 Visa: 4112296825756779 |
Enter AVS+NOMATCH as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. |
5 | AVS Unsupported by Issuer | AMEX: 347279493269015 Discover: 6011604410824034 MasterCard: 5152370491539153 Visa: 4112836497303994 |
Enter AVS+UNSUPPORTED as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. |
6 | Credit Card Verification Number Match | AMEX: 345796298727014 Discover: 6011648040903965 MasterCard: 5155659853141666 Visa: 4110716719147654 |
Enter CVV+MATCH as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. Enter any four-digit CVC code other than 0000, 5555 and 9999 for American Express. Enter any three-digit CVC code other than 000, 555 and 999 for Discover, MasterCard or Visa. |
7 | Credit Card Verification Number Unavailable | AMEX: 342650299263839 Discover: 6011118186183608 MasterCard: 5199339067794810 Visa: 4112530021797363 |
Enter CVV+UNAVAILABLE as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. Enter 0000 as the four-digit CVC code for American Express. Enter 000 as the three-digit CVC code for Discover, MasterCard or Visa. |
8 | Credit Card Verification Number Error | AMEX: 342781835011463 Discover: 6011789277338945 MasterCard: 5102881917494147 Visa: 4112653620165475 |
Enter CVV+ERROR as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. Enter 9999 as the four-digit CVC code for American Express. Enter 999 as the three-digit CVC code for Discover, MasterCard or Visa. |
9 | Credit Card Verification No Match | AMEX: 342337649030528 Discover: 6011769851691760 MasterCard: 5155239927190195 Visa: 4113864427850982 |
Enter CVV+NOMATCH as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. Enter 5555 as the four-digit CVC code for American Express. Enter 555 as the three-digit CVC code for Discover, MasterCard or Visa. |
10 | Credit Card Authorization Successful | AMEX: 348771682068975 Discover: 6011739196887563 MasterCard: 5184778657904478 Visa: 4119862760338320 |
Enter AUTH+OK as the value of the Name field and the first line of the Address field. |
11 | Credit Card Authorization Declined | See special instructions below. | Note: Please see the special instructions below for testing a failed credit card authorization. |
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